2021 Summer I OLLI Course Schedule
This summer, from May 24 through July 2, 2021, OLLI at BCC offers a variety of courses online using Zoom. No tests, no grades, just learning for the joy of learning! Click on the course names below for individual course descriptions. All courses are 6 sessions unless noted otherwise.
In almost all cases, class sessions are recorded so if you miss one, or your schedule doesn't work for a particular course, you can request recordings and watch the class sessions on your own time.
To register for spring online classes, click here or call the OLLI office at 413.236.2190. We look forward to seeing you online! (Note: you need to be an OLLI at BCC member to register for courses. Membership information can be found here.)
Monday, May 24 - Friday, July 2, 2021
All times are Eastern Time Zone
9:30 am - M101 11:00 am | Writing a ‘Legacy Letter’ | Jay Sherwin CLOSED: AT CAPACITY | June 7 - June 28 |
11:30 am - M102 1:00 pm | Today's Headlines | Lenny Tabs No class session May 31 | May 24 - June 28 May 24 - June 28 |
1:30 pm - M103 3:00 pm | Music in Art at the Clark | Laura Dankner No class session May 31 | May 24 - June 28 |
3:30 pm - M104 5:00 pm | Introduction to the Nia Technique | Diane Firtell | May 24 - July 12 |
9:30 am - T101 11:00 am | The Values of Aaron Sorkin: The West Wing and Beyond | Douglas Mishkin | May 25 - June 29 |
11:30 am - T102 1:00 pm |
May 25 - June 8
1:30 pm - T103 3:00 pm | The Convergence of Science and Literature Creates a Bright Light | Linda Neville No class session June 15 | May 25 - July 6 |
3:30 pm - T104 5:00 pm | More Than Just Likes: Navigating the Social Internet | Leslie Appleget | June 1 - June 22 |
9:30 am - W101 11:00 am | Athol Fugard’s The Road to Mecca | John Trainor Limited Registration: 15 | June 2 - June 23 |
11:30 am - W102 1:00 pm | In Search of Falstaff | Barbara Waldinger NOTE- the final session will be on Monday, June 28 at 7:00 pm |
June 9 - June 28
1:30 pm - W103 3:00 pm | Researching Your Family History| Lisa Swigart CLOSED- AT CAPACITY | May 26 - June 30 |
11:30 am - R102 1:00 pm | William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors | Ann Berman | June 3 - July 1 |
9:30 am - F101 11:00 am | In A Pickle? The Stories Behind Common Idioms | Stewart Edelstein | June 4 - June 25 |
11:30 am - F102 1:00 pm | Science Conversations | Peter Bluhm and Tony Segal | May 28 - July 2 |
9:30 am - F103 12:00 pm | Introduction to Hiking in the Berkshires | Bess Dillman CLOSED- AT CAPACITYIn person and out of doors at various locations in Berkshire County, MA | May 28 - July 2 |
Please note that you must be an OLLI at BCC member and have created a login account to register for classes online. Click here for instruction on how to create a login account. Alternatively, you can register by calling the OLLI Office between 9:00am and 4:00 pm Eastern at 413.236.2190 with a credit card.
OLLI: the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Berkshire Community College |