Help Create Great Programs | Meet New People | Share Your Knowledge & Skills | And More!
OLLI at BCC is volunteer-powered. Over 200 members volunteer to recruit instructors and plan classes and talks, organize special events and trips, provide technology support, and much more. Volunteering with OLLI is a great way to meet interesting new friends and help create the kind of learning opportunities you would most enjoy attending.
The OLLI committees listed below are currently seeking new members.
Help Create Classes & Events
The Distinguished Speaker Series Committee develops an annual speaker series of 10-12 lecturers. Committee members identify and recruit potential speakers and help to publicize and run the events. The committee meets 3-4 times per year, in-person or on Zoom. The committee chair also attends curriculum council meetings 5 times per year.
The Art Exhibition Committee mounts an annual exhibition of works of art produced by OLLI members. The committee will be meeting via zoom every 2 weeks and is looking for volunteers to commit through June 30, 2025. In order to be effective on this committee, facility with Gmail, Google Docs, Word, and Excel and good communications skills are necessary.
The Active Living / Hands-on Learning Committee plans hands-on courses including dance, cooking, photography, hiking etc. There are currently 6-8 instructors teaching these courses, but this new curriculum committee needs a chair or co-chairs to plan committee meetings, coordinate with the OLLI curriculum council chair, and attend curriculum council meetings (five times per year). The committee will meet five times each year on Zoom or in person. Committee members will teach, recruit teachers, and curate courses.
The Literature Committee meets three or four times a year to review the success of courses offered in the previous OLLI terms and plan new course offerings for the following terms. The literature committee typically offers five or more courses per OLLI session and seeks new members with an interest and/or background in literature and writing who would like to help develop courses, to teach courses, or help find instructors to teach them. In particular, the committee is currently looking to add instructors who can teach 20th and 21st century literature.
The Science Committee plans and presents several science related courses for each OLLI session. They are seeking members to help develop and find instructors for courses, especially those with a background in the hard sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy), Anthropology, Paleontology, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine. Members interested in teaching or curating courses would be most welcome.
The Social Science Committee works to develop OLLI courses in history, economics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, law, etc. The committee meets five times per year on Zoom or hybrid. Committee members recommend topics for instruction, teach, recruit teachers, and curate courses. They also introduce instructors before the first class each semester. The committee is currently seeking a chair or co-chair and two to three new members. Individuals with teaching backgrounds in the social sciences or a desire to share their knowledge in these are welcome. The committee chair plans and chairs meetings, attends curriculum council meetings (5 times per year), and works with committee members and the curriculum council chair to ensure that an adequate number of courses (approximately 8 per semester) are offered. The committee meets five times per year.
The Special Events Committee develops and provides staffing for approximately 8-10 special events annually, including day trips and tours to educational and cultural venues. The committee coordinates with venues, helps to publicize the events, and organizes the transportation, food, and other logistics. The committee is seeking a co-chair to shadow the current chair for one year to learn the ropes from the current chair who has led the committee for decades. Individuals with experience in marketing, catering, and tour logistics would especially be helpful.
Interested in learning more? Contact us here.
OLLI Outlook, OLLI’s member newsletter, has been on hold since the pandemic but is being revived this year. Outlook will introduce new members, instructors, SIGs, and activities and will cover OLLI board decisions. The Outlook team is looking for a few writers and photographers who can assist in covering OLLI events and news. Writers should be prepared to write regularly for several editions each year. Some prior experience with writing for publication is preferred. Photographers with cameras (not just cell phone cameras) are needed to attend and document OLLI events.
The OLLI Marketing Committee works with the OLLI Executive Director to promote awareness of OLLI and its brand, mission, and educational offerings in the community. The committee encourages the recruitment of new members from OLLI’s traditional demographic as well as those from under-represented groups and Berkshire communities. Marketing includes emails to members, ads on Facebook, print and digital ads in local media, ads and sponsorship of events with other Berkshire cultural organizations. The marketing team is looking for one or two volunteers with marketing, design, advertising, and promotion backgrounds. The committee meets 5-6 times per year on Zoom. Committee members undertake ad hoc conversations and work between meetings based on the volunteer’s skill sets and availability.
The Member Services Committee sends new members emails to welcome and follow up with them three months after they join OLLI. We also host New Member and All Member Chats online as well as other member events such as “OLLI at Tanglewood.” The committee seeks members who are friendly, willing to contact “friends they haven’t yet met,” listen to and pass along members’ suggestions, and attend and staff committee-sponsored events.
Help Out Behind the Scenes
The Development Committee works with the OLLI Executive Director and Board President to raise funds to supplement OLLI’s traditional dues and fee-based revenue. Such funds are used to enhance OLLI’s goals, mission, strategic plan, and educational programing. The committee works on OLLI’s annual fund campaign and is developing resources related to planned giving. The committee is looking for 3-5 members with non-profit development experience, including annual fund campaigns and planned giving, or the desire to gain skills related to development.
The Diversity Committee works to enhance greater representation of the full diversity of the Berkshires in our programs, members, leaders, instructors and speakers. The committee meets five to six times each year and is looking for additional members who: Understand the concepts and issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and multiculturalism; Can assist to research, identify, and implement best practices of diversity and inclusion; Know how to collaborate with members of the OLLI organization and the community; Engage in active listening; Demonstrate openness to a wide variety of ideas, experiences, styles, and practices; and Have courage.
The Technology Committee provides audio/visual and computer support for OLLI events and classes. Committee members also work with the OLLI Executive Director and Board President to conduct data analysis, surveys, and demographic studies. The committee is currently seeking a chair or co-chair and 3-5 members.
The OLLI office is staffed by three full-time and two part-time staff members. Volunteers are needed for periods of heavy activity (such as the first week of each semester) or during staff leave time. In addition, ad-hoc volunteers are needed when preparing mailings and staffing in person special events.
Interested in learning more? Contact us here.
Other opportunities to get involved:
Teaching at OLLI - all of our instructors are volunteers!
Starting a Shared Interest Group
Mentoring BCC students in the Mentoring for Success Program