R104 | Spring Wildflower Walks |Bess Dillman

Thursdays - 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Five Sessions -
  4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8

In-person at Berkshire Community College
Limit: 15


Every spring, our beautiful Berkshire trails come alive with colorful flowers, changing each week. We will hunt for and identify them at various properties in South and Central Berkshire County. Learn about the spring ephemeral flowers as we enjoy a beautiful spring walk. Participants must be moderately fit and capable of walking up to 2.5 miles on uneven, hilly ground and rocky and root-filled trails. Hikers must wear sturdy walking shoes and be prepared for weather changes. The use of hiking poles is helpful. Properties to be visited: Bartholomew’s Cobble, Sheffield; Mary Flynn Trail, Stockbridge; The Mount Trails, Lenox; Ashintully Gardens, Tyringham; Thomas and Palmer Brook, Great Barrington. (Subject to change.)

In her former life, Bess Dillman ran a small creative advertising agency and founded, published, and edited a magazine here in the Berkshires. She is now retired and a certified Appalachian Mountain Club hiking leader, guiding hikes in all parts of the Berkshires since 2007. Over the years, Bess has led more than 350 hikes. She has hiked in many parts of the country and the world and loves to share her passion for nature and the trail!

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